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  • Respect human rights, Promote diversity & Ensure safe and secure work environment

Making the most of diverse

human resources, changing

society from the workplace

A sustainable society will be realized when people can work

with their individuality and vigor.

With this in mind,

we strive to create an environment

where employees can continue to work safely,

securely, and with good health.

By listening to and forming the voice of each individual,

we aim to create an SMC where everyone can play an active role,

regardless of gender, nationality, age, or disability.

A sustainable society will be realized when people can work with their individuality and vigor.
With this in mind, we strive to create an environment where employees can continue to work safely, securely, and with good health.
By listening to and forming the voice of each individual, we aim to create an SMC where everyone can play an active role, regardless of gender, nationality, age, or disability.

1. Create a positive work environment that values human rights

Action 01-1-1


Create a work environment free of all forms of unfair discrimination


Ensure that all employees are familiar with the Group Code of Conduct, which stipulates prohibition of unfair discrimination - We will not engage in unfair discrimination based on nationality, race, color, ancestry, ethnicity, creed, religion, marital status, gender, disability, sexual orientation, place of birth, social status, etc. in hiring, promotion, personnel evaluation, etc.

Conduct education for all employees

Utilization of internal reporting whistle blowing system


Conduct education for all employees???100%

Action 01-1-2


Prohibit child, forced, and excessive labors


Ensure that all employees are familiar with the Group Code of Conduct, which stipulates prohibition of unfair labor practices - We will not enter into an employment contract with minors under the age at which they are legally permitted to work. - We will strive to maintain a work environment free from labor which unjustifiably puts restraints on the employees’ mental and physical freedom, which is under extremely poor environment, and which is excessively burdensome - We will strive to prevent occurrence of the employees’ health damage due to excessive overtime work

Conduct education for all employees

Utilize whistleblowing system


Conduct education for all employees???100%

Action 01-1-3


Create a work environment free of all harassment


Ensure that all employees are familiar with the Group Code of Conduct, which stipulates respect for human rights - We will strive to maintain a work environment free from any human right violations, such as acts of abuse including sexual harassment, power harassment, or excessive punishments.

Conduct education for all employees

Utilize whistleblowing system


Conduct education for all employees???100%

2. Create a work environment where diverse human resources can play an active role regardless of gender or disability

Action 01-2-1


Increase female employment rate


Increase the number of female recruiters

Introduce the activities and careers of female employees through recruitment brochures

Participate in recruitment events for female students majoring in science


Using the recent 5 year average:
Increase the newly graduated female engineer employment ratio ???to 10%
Increase the newly graduated female sales and marketing staff member employment ratio ???to 35%

Action 01-2-2


Support work-life balance


Support flexible work styles that adapt to life events

Promote using related systems and programs
(utilization of training, LMS, company magazine, etc.)

Action 01-2-3


Create a work environment where people with disabilities can work comfortably


Create work practices to accommodate and utilize outside support services in order to promote the employment of persons with disabilities

Hold information exchange meetings and social gatherings with persons with disabilities, their families, special-needs schools, and advocacy groups

Conduct a fact-finding survey regarding the work contents and work environment for persons with disabilities


Comply the statutory employment rate for persons with disabilities (within each country)

3. Create a healthy, safe and secure work environment for employees

Action 01-3-1


Create a work environment where employees can work safely and securely


Strengthen Health and Safety Committee activities 1. Horizontal expansion of these activities
Horizontally expand the activities performed in individual factories
2. Strengthen safety patrols

Expand the education system for a safe and secure work environment 1. Implement labor management training within each factory and position 2. Conduct factory manager training


Monitor indicators related to occupational accidents (rate per thousand workers*, severity rate, frequency rate)
Continuously strive for rates below the manufacturing industry average (For Japan)
*Rate per thousand workers - Ratio of deaths and injuries
 occurring per 1,000 workers per year

Safety and secure work environment training 1. Assistant Manager / Chief / Group Leader
???Greater than 90% Attendance
2. Factory manager / Deputy factory manager
???100% Attendance

Action 01-3-2


Create a work environment where employees can work in good health


Aim to Eliminate Health Injuries by establishing an Occupational Health and Safety System

Implement health promotion programs

Installation of AEDs and lifesaving training

Preventive counseling by mental health specialists and insurance nurses

Promote brain scan check-ups for people aged 40 and over

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