
Corporate Data

Stock Information

Business Year From April 1 to March 31
Reference Date General Shareholders' Meeting March 31
Year-end Dividend March 31
Interim Dividend September 30
General Shareholders' Meeting Held in June every year
Share Trading unit 100 shares
Stock Listing Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market

Distribution of share by shareholders

as of March 31, 2024

Distribution of share by shareholders

Major Shareholders

as of March 31, 2024

Shareholder Number of shares held
(Thousand shares)
Parcentage of
voting rights(%)
Master Trust Bank of Japan (Trust account) 10,240 15.9
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account) 4,559 7.1
Takada International LLC 3,793 5.9
TON Finance B.V. 3,443 5.3
JP Morgan Chase Bank 385632 2,653 4.1
The Bank of New York Mellon as Depositary Bank for
Depositary Receipt Holders
1,829 2.8
The Bank of New York Mellon 140042 1,385 2.1
The Nomura Trust and Banking Co., Ltd. (Trust account 2052208) 1,239 1.9
State Street Bank and Trust Company 505223 1,226 1.9